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Time to fly!

Time to fly!

Sleeves (2020), Detail Cotton, thread, binding.   Sleeves (2020), Detail.   Sleeves (2020), Detail.     Sleeves (2020), Detail.      Sheet (2020), sheet, thread.     Would you do the HS6 again? 100% yes! Looking back through...
Morph(ed out)

Morph(ed out)

Gathered (2022).  Fabric, thread and cord.  1m drop, 350mm width. I have been making these bags throughout the HS6 as space fillers, I used them to gather and hold collections of teeth, hair, rags and dust, but now they are empty! This emptiness now gathers and holds...
DNA under Perspex!

DNA under Perspex!

Found, given, owned, loved  (April 2022)  grey hair. From DNA – some old, found, given, owned; some strands discarded from heads of long passed loved ones – a new narrative is born. The work is made from once crowning glories, now a new story; their story and my story...


The HANDSHAKE6 group has been collaborating on a fundraising necklace project for a while, and they are excited to share the results! These necklaces are a collaboration between the group with each participant designing one of the 12 shapes. There are 4 different...
Magical flying Rogg

Magical flying Rogg

Goya. (1798) Witches’ Flight   Recently my thoughts and research ( see previous post) have turned to the rugs (flying, seems to be a theme right now!) which I have been making for my boys and the work with my own hair that I have been processing for now...


Magritte, R. (1947).La Philosophie dans le boudoir  I thought I would share a brief glimpse of the book “Fetish”, lent to me (many thanks to Judy Darragh for her kindness in this lend), containing a fantastic collection of essays published by the Princeton School of...
What’s under the bed?

What’s under the bed?

For the application for the HS6 I made quite a few works which have since been placed back under the bed to live…to live with the monsters! I thought I’d pull them out and revisit a few over the next few weeks… The chain reaction link I made (see...
Nelson chain process…

Nelson chain process…

“Even as I sleep I will punish myself” (2021) Artist’s own hair, dog hair, woollen blanket, cotton. 1m 60cm (drop) x 2m 25cm (length) The hair shirt is well known for its role in penance at Lent. Not being religious I still wanted to play with the idea of irritation...
Old ideas in a new light?

Old ideas in a new light?

                  I started writing this blog on the flight back to Auckland from Wellington last year after the Te Auaha show…the blog was full of could have, should have, would have’s bla bla! The show was about process and our HS6 journey’s, much like stopping off...


Tent (September 2020). Hazel twigs, drum kit, cotton, wood. What did I actually do in September work wise…I moved out of my workspace which became a building site while we renovated and restored our old windows, the dust sheets became my two boys’ den for a while (and...