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HS8’s first group exhibition is at Depot Artspace, Devonport (Auckland)  from 4 Nov to 21 Dec, 2023, opening Sat 4 Nov, 2pm.

This will mark the mid-project experience, featuring works that were developed throughout a year-long exploration process. The artists’ interests, masterclasses, and coaching sessions all played a vital role in shaping the final installations of each HS8 artist.

The exhibition process will be thoroughly examined and used as a learning tool for future exhibitions, focusing on essential curation skills, work support/furniture, exhibition design, artist statements, labels, and other professional gallery ethics. The Depot ArtSpace will play a crucial role in this educational process.

MORE about HS8 first exhibition


HS8’s second and final exhibition will take place at Pah Homestead, opening on Thursday, November 7, 2024. This exhibition will combine all the research, feedback, experiments, and ideas into a cohesive body of work. A special feedback meeting before the opening will determine how the processes and outcomes are connected. Additionally, the works will be accompanied by videos created in the ON-E workshop by Estela Saez.

Exhibiting art in different formats and situations is a rule-bound process that requires practice, feedback, and introduction. Creating artwork for exhibitions, participating in its planning, design, setup, installation, lighting, labels, artist statement, promotion, and delivering artist talks are all integral parts of the exhibition learning experience.

Preparing for an exhibition creates pressure and awareness among HS8 artists about the significance of planning, focus, and direction in their development. It requires good editing, a keen creative eye, resilience, and time management to articulate a homogeneous group from the process and finished works.

HS8 BLOG  posts:

To wash or not to wash?

To wash or not to wash?

It might seem like a weird question to consider but something that I puzzle over is  whether or not to clean the materials (at the moment found rubbish objects and things) that I am currently working with. For some people this is probably not a question that they...

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Starting Again – Almost

Starting Again – Almost

Suddenly it is almost June! I have had three sessions now with my mentor, Manon van Kouswijk. She has been insightful and generous. Suggesting exercises to help loosen up my practice and allow space for the unexpected. After our last meeting, she pointed out that my...

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Balancing Act

Balancing Act

Since the beginning of the year I have placed metal aside, for the moment, to explore other materials I have come across in my explorations. On my walks I have been collecting timber, driftwood, stones and shells. I began by focusing on timbers. I have worked with...

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HS8 E-ON sessions 

E presentation workshop ON-E by Estela Saez Vilanova (CAT-ES) (subject to funding)

A series of Zoom workshops during April – October 2024 about alternative EXHIBTION options with the intention to prepare Handshake 8 artists for an online exhibition submission








HS8’s first group exhibition will be at Depot Artspace, Devonport (Auckland)  from 4 Nov to 20 Dec, 2023, opening Sat 4 Nov, 2pm.

This will mark the mid-project experience, featuring works that were developed throughout a year-long exploration process. The artists’ interests, masterclasses, and coaching sessions all played a vital role in shaping the final installations of each HS8 artist.

The exhibition process will be thoroughly examined and used as a learning tool for future exhibitions, focusing on essential curation skills, work support/furniture, artist statements, labels, and other professional gallery ethics. The Depot Artspace will play a crucial role in this educational process.

MORE about HS8 first exhibition

HS8’s final exhibition will be at Pah Homestead at the end of 2024. This exhibition synthesizes all the research, feedback, experiments and ideas into a cohesive body of work. A special feedback hui afterwards determines how the processes and outcomes connect (subject to funding).

Exhibiting art in different formats and situations is a rule-bound process that requires practice, feedback, and introduction. The process of creating artwork for exhibitions, participating in its planning, design, setup, installation, lighting, labels, artist statement, promotion, and delivering artist talks are all integral parts of the exhibition learning experience.

Preparing for an exhibition creates pressure and awareness among HS8 artists about the significance of planning, focus, and direction in their development. It requires good editing, a keen creative eye, resilience, and time management to articulate a homogeneous group from the process and finished works.

Balancing Act

Balancing Act

Since the beginning of the year I have placed metal aside, for the moment, to explore other materials I have come across in my explorations. On my walks I have been collecting timber, driftwood, stones and shells. I began by focusing on timbers. I have worked with...

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earth meditation

earth meditation

A reflection on earth by John O'Donohue Let us bless The imagination of the earth. That knew early the patience To harness the mind of time, Waited for the seas to warm, Ready to welcome the emergence Of things dreaming and voyaging Among the stillness of land, And...

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Rules Required?

Rules Required?

As part of the Handshake 8 journey, we have jewellery history lectures from the wonderful Andrea Daly, New Zealand Jeweller and educationalist. As part of a homework task, Daly required us to think about the unwritten rules of contemporary jewellery, consider our own...

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All aboard the Mentor-ship

All aboard the Mentor-ship

Whoever wrote the proverb “never meet your [creative] heroes”, obviously had never met Neke Moa. She is my mentor this year for Handshake8. I will not recite the incredible things that Neke has created, exhibited and taught, but I would redirect, and recommend, you to...

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HS8 E-ON sessions 

E presentation workshop ON-E by: Estela Saez Vilanova (CAT-ES) (subject to funding)

A series of Zoom workshops during April – October 2024 about alternative EXHIBTION options with the intention to prepare Handshake 8 artists for their online exhibition submission