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The Importance of Preservation

The Importance of Preservation

The lessons of preservation, something that I have been forced to focus on these last 6 months, even the last year. One year seems like such an arbitrary number now. One year. One year older. One year living alone in the middle of the bush land of the New Zealand...
The wrinkle and the gaze

The wrinkle and the gaze

The OED defines the gaze as to look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought.  In critical theory, the gaze offers comment on the relationship between the observer and the observed. Over time the skin records how we react, our choices,...
to and fro

to and fro

  Its been a busy summer with not as many uninterrupted days in the workshop as I would have liked..but still somewhat productive with some other exhibitions on the go and great time spent with the family. I have resumed skype and conversations with Judy and now...


The forest said Numb hospitality. I don’t want to talk about it. Still listening to everyone else’s problems. I love you like I don’t love myself. I sing for you tomorrow. Sick of being afraid. Tear my page. You wild peaceful being Nothing or no one will ever compare....
Handshake 4 – PROCESS

Handshake 4 – PROCESS

Process at Toi Pōneke Gallery brings together original works by the twelve HS4 jewellers who are currently half-way through their two-year mentorship programme. A unique exhibition design by artist Gabby O’Connor extends the idea of process by including works in...
Greatness & smallness

Greatness & smallness

There are some inspirations and admirations that stand the test of time. In fact, centuries of time already. I’ve been looking at the work of one of the most impressive creators, inventors, scientists and artists of all time- Leonardo Da Vinci. Such intellect,...
Human wear

Human wear

Sitting on stone steps, a casual remark or waiting in airports.  Inspiration arrives in strange places and in unexpected times.  The beginnings of this project began with a conversation while taking a break from the install at Pah Homestead, where I was sitting on...
Doubt versus Confidence

Doubt versus Confidence

Doubt can motivate you, so don’t be afraid of it. Confidence and doubt are at two ends of the scale, and you need both. They balance each other out.     Barbara Streisand Doubt versus Confidence Halfway through the mentorship program it was time to reflect on...
Beyond boundaries

Beyond boundaries

There are often expectations to push a material to & beyond its boundaries when pursuing a design, form or idea so that is original & unexpected. This usually results in considerable wasted material & failures but is also an invaluable way of making new...
Holding on, Letting go

Holding on, Letting go

When having to move workshop space the reality of the stuff I keep was more than apparent. There were test pieces going back to 2010, nestled safely in the back of unopened drawers. The ‘you never know when’ classification of storage obviously applied to these wee...