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H8 mentees & mentors:



The mentorship programme has been the flagship of the HANDSHAKE project. The HS mentorship system with top international mentor artists has supported many NZ emerging artists and provided professional ‘tools’ through their generous feedback support. This guidance is crucial for accelerated learning as it exposes mentees to years of experience, knowledge, and resolution processes that are not typically provided by the traditional art education system in New Zealand.   Even ex-HS mentees are now being asked to become mentors for the new generation. Each HS8 artist has their selected mentor, and they start working with them in 2024.

The HS8 mentor programme aims to assist, encourage, challenge, and provide constructive criticism toward the mentee’s personal and artistic growth.

HS8 artists/mentees will create a body of work with their mentor that will be showcased at Pah Homestead, Auckland (end 2024). The mentor sessions are scheduled throughout 2024 to support the various stages of their development leading up to their final exhibition.


HS8 mentees & mentors:

Denise Callan                     Mah Rana

Fran Carter                         Renee Bevan

Rachel Chapman               Katrin Spranger

Tui Diprose                         Estela Saez-Vlanova

Fiona Frew                          Roseanne Bartley

Louise Hill                          Judith Darragh

Lisa Van Hulst                    Manon van Kouswijk

Genie Lee                            Renee Bevan

Nellie Peoples                     Neke Moa

Rose Pickernell                   Moniek Schrijer

Grace Yu Piper                    Karl Fritsch

Denise Callan                      Mah Rana

Fran Carter                          Renee Bevan

Rachel Chapman                Katrin Spranger

Tui Diprose                          Estela Saez-Vlanova

Fiona Frew                          Roseanne Bartley

Louise Hill                           Judith Darragh

Lisa Van Hulst                    Manon van Kouswijk

Genie Lee                            Renee Bevan

Nellie Peoples                    Neke Moa

Rose Pickernell                  Moniek Schrijer

Grace Yu Piper                   Karl Fritsch

HS8 blog posts:

Finding Fire

Finding Fire

Finding Fire As it goes sometimes, I’ve been finding it challenging to connect to my creative pathway this year. It has been like trying to find the signposts at the start of the walking track, only to realize there are none, and what awaits me is a sickle and the...

Justene Williams

Justene Williams

Justene Williams, is an contemporary Australian artist who makes her large-scale immersive works, using multi-channel video installations, photography and performance. Through challenging social norms, using of found objects and waste materials, collage and...

Ana Mendieta

Ana Mendieta

Ana Mendieta was born in Cuba in 1948. Her father, Ignacio Mendieta, was a lawyer who had worked with the FBI during World War II.  In 1960 he became involved in an uprising against Fidel Castro and was concerned for the safety of his family.  At 12, Ana Mendieta and...

Pōhutukawa play

Pōhutukawa play

At the last catch up that I had with my mentor, Neke Moa, she gave me an exercise to help expand my material knowledge. For this exercise I focused on pōhutukawa timber. I had briefly introduced myself to the material with my previous hand carved timber form studies....