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group EXHIBITION at Stanley Street Gallery, Sydney 02 – 23 October, 2020  A group exhibition of new work that connects to the context of traditional jewellery. MORE
Break Down

Break Down

In 2001, British artist Michael Landy addressed excess consumerism and waste, by destroying all his possessions in an art project called “Break Down”.  In the 3 years leading up to this event, every single one of his 7227 possessions was carefully classified and...
Layer Upon Layer

Layer Upon Layer

Creating the work for the Stanley St Show has been a steep learning curve as I’d never worked with 3D printing much before this year. That was only part of the problem though as the options are endless. Trying to consolidate your ideas, while at the same time wanting...
Knot Musings

Knot Musings

I’ve had time to muse recently and realised how prevalent the knot is in our lives. Here follows a short chronology of their entwining in my life. One of our first moments as a human involves the severing of the life blood cord, that energy transfer complete and a...
Stanley Street 2

Stanley Street 2

Following the theme of The Conventional Reformed, I’ve chosen to make circular brooches, because they have been around through the eras and the shape has been with us since the 5th century. The same palette from the Te Uru exhibition in December 2019 has been...
Stanley Street 1

Stanley Street 1

The Colour of Change Industrialisation was the catalyst for the current state of our planet. The decision to use fossil fuels to power progress has become unsustainable and life-threatening in contemporary times. While science is shouting at us, we continue to cling...
Te Uru 2

Te Uru 2

I made panels of squares, 70 of them, each to represent almost 2 years starting from 1900 to 2020, and painted them as scientifically correct as I could from the data of Dr. Ed Dawkins from Reading University. The tiles were made in moulds in plaster resin. They...

Te Uru 1

I was offered a 6 metre long wall at Te Uru. I contemplated filling it with wearable jewellery of varying sizes, but decided to fill it with a graphic representation of temperature change in our Pacific environment, something on top of my mind. Industrialisation...
The doing

The doing

Blank. Full moon…lack of sleep. Just spent the last two and a half weeks in Level 3 lockdown again in Auckland, New Zealand after an outbreak of Covid-19 from a mystery source. This time we were a little unprepared. Our heroic Covid-free world status was...
How to prepare bones for carving

How to prepare bones for carving

This post is not for the faint of heart (or stomach). It features images or descriptions of handing meat and animal bones. Before you start preparing your bones you need to know what to ask for and where to get them. I get my bones from a local butchery, it’s best to...
What came before…

What came before…

  Stones. You lie on the ground, minding your own business when I go for a walk in the countryside. On the shore, you watch the waves come tumbling towards you, sometimes catching you and drawing you back to tumble gently backwards and forwards for another...