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Wherever I look things seem to appear in threes… even when I’m not aware of it… i am i . you are you . .  
Review by Helen Wyatt

Review by Helen Wyatt

NZ jewellery artists remind us to play with complexity while pushing the boundaries of the worn object every which way. New Zealand jewellery artists continue to produce work that is intellectually strong, materially curious and playful. In April, Stanley Street...
I’ve been thinking….

I’ve been thinking….

Susan Collis, When We Loved, 2017 Thinking about space as led me to look at some artists who make interesting use of space.  Susan Collis’s exhibition When we loved you best of all, 2017 doesn’t look like an exhibition.  The room appears vacant except for some odd...
Indulgence with Question Marks

Indulgence with Question Marks

Dorothea Prühl ‘Tiere’  1999 What makes this work so appealing to me? Even looking at Dorothea’s work again and again it doesn’t lose its attractiveness. What causes the appeal and therefore the connection? Those were the questions that kept coming up...
The trinity of artists – CODA

The trinity of artists – CODA

The works I’ve been given to respond to are made by a trinity of artists I’ve long admired. It’s a daunting prospect, but an invigorating one. It’d be daunting enough to respond to each artists’ work in isolation, but to respond to them...
Te Uru – Diaspora

Te Uru – Diaspora

Title: Diaspora I intend to make a series of work 3-5 pieces with a sound component.  I will be researching the theme and concept of diaspora it is used in a contemporary context to describe indigenous/native people who live away from their homeland for one reason or...
Nga ahua – shapes

Nga ahua – shapes

When I choose the pieces from the coda collection the most prominent attraction for me was the shapes of the main pendants and then the materials they were made from. Therefore I began to explore the shapes the round convex matte object of Ruudt Peters, how would this...
making actions (in three parts)

making actions (in three parts)

making actions (in three parts)…… which will overlap I’m sure. part one – currently thinking of Onno’s joined works; repair, adjust, improve, reconstruct, replace, mend, reform, substitute. I often start in object samples that work their...


One thing that all three pieces selected by coda have in common is that they are 3d printed or contain a printed element so 3d printing and the digital path is also the way I will go.The Dunedin School of Art where I work has recently purchased a massive ceramic 3d...
Totem – Te Uru

Totem – Te Uru

I’ve been working on the idea of creating a series of modern “totems”. This raises the question of cultural appropriation for me. While I won’t be using motifs from any culture apart from my own, even the term “totem” sits...


I am searching for a truth to my materials. How do the materials make me do what I do to them; how does process dictate form? Currently, I have been making notes as I work with the intention of understanding what makes me do to a material, what I do. Dissection is an...