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As I look back on the experience, I further appreciate that there is nothing quite like hearing how others approach their work to inspire and make you question your own approach to your own work.

Because of the way the masterclasses were structured, you had access to this information and could see how others in the cohort were investigating their making.

When I sat in on others’ one-on-ones’ the guidance and suggestions that were offered to others often resonated with me in response to my work/making.

There was such a generosity of information, knowledge, and experience from Katharina Dettar and Estela Saez Vilanova.

Having to explain your concept, work, development, and approach is always challenging, as ideas can often be so clear in one’s head, but actually communicating that succinctly to others is difficult. The good thing is that by doing so, it helps clarify things in your own mind. Or it allows you to see the gaps in your thinking or making… and the opportunity to expand on the idea.

As artists the opportunity to talk about your work while it is in progress is rare. It can throw you curveballs. It can force you to start over and discard the pieces you’ve created thus far… or it can force you to push through your doubts.