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Introducing the HANDSHAKE model

Amelia Pascoe with mentor Ruudt Peters (HS2)

The HANDSHAKE project (HS) supports emerging New Zealand jewellery artists, allowing them to develop ideas and artworks for a succession of exhibitions with the assistance of a development programme and a chosen (or appointed) mentor. The HANDSHAKE recipients are presented with additional opportunities to develop and extend their practices with various challenges including curated exhibitions, collaborations, and network opportunities with both national and international exposures.

The goal of the HANDSHAKE project is to cultivate and foster independent makers with innovative practices by providing them with the necessary resources, guidance, and inspiration to create unique and meaningful pieces that reflect their personal style and perspective.


HANDSHAKE has three distinct programme focuses:

The first programme is a 2-year entry development programme for emerging NZ jewellery artists. This programme provides various development activities such as masterclasses, lectures, coaching, mentorship, and exhibitions to test ideas, receive feedback, and develop skills.

HS’s second focus is a 1-year expert programme for selected ex-HandShakers (HS alumni) that includes a masterclass, coaching, feedback opportunities, and an exhibition in a reputable venue. 

The third focus is an advanced programme for the HS alumni with opportunities for curated group exhibitions and special collaborations, open to active ex-HandShakers.

The curated exhibitions arise from requests or proposals from national and international dealer galleries, curators, and museums. These are offered to selected current and/or past HandShakers (HS alumni). Other opportunities for the HS alumni are collaborations with other international artists or groups.

This acceleration of successive programmes allows a HandShaker to advance and grow in becoming a serious independent, resilient, and experienced professional.


HS structure:

An appointed selector selects from portfolios a group of jewellery artists. For two years, the new HS recruits develop ideas and work with the assistance of a development programme, exhibitions, coaches, and a chosen or appointed mentor.
The 2-year development structure (HS1, HS2, HS4, HS6, HS8) proves to be an effective support programme for developing sustainable emerging artist practices.
The one-year HS3, HS5, and HS7 projects are the advanced expert versions of the HS programme with selected HandShakers from former HS projects attaining professional support, and high-end exhibitions in established national and international premises.

Handshake 3 at the HWM, Frame galleries, Munich 2017

The alumni focus of both the advanced expert programme and the curated exhibition opportunities elevate independence, capabilities in professional ethics and attitudes, artistic excellence, resilience in making and presenting and gaining communication and writing skills.

The “Exhibition online” feature responds to the new presentation choices HandShakers have in presenting artworks, ideas and contexts through electronic communication. HS6 group pioneered other presentation methods (eg video) with creative solutions.

The HANDSHAKE project could only succeed thanks to the continued funding of Creative New Zealand, and the support of partners like Makers101, JEMbooks, others, and those who donated their expertise and time.


Mia Straka, participant and advisor of the HandShake project. introduces the project’s multifaceted qualities and perspectives’


HS1 crowdfunding 60-sec video



Introducing the HANDSHAKE model

Amelia Pascoe with mentor Ruudt Peters (HS2)

The HANDSHAKE project (HS) supports emerging New Zealand jewellery artists, allowing them to develop ideas and artworks for a succession of exhibitions with the assistance of a development programme and a chosen (or appointed) mentor. The HANDSHAKE recipients are presented with additional opportunities to develop and extend their practices with various challenges including curated exhibitions, collaborations, and network opportunities with both national and international exposures.

The goal of the HANDSHAKE project is to cultivate and foster independent makers with innovative practices by providing them with the necessary resources, guidance, and inspiration to create unique and meaningful pieces that reflect their personal style and perspective.


HANDSHAKE has three distinct programme focuses:

The first programme is a 2-year entry development programme for emerging NZ jewellery artists. This programme provides  various development activities such as masterclasses, lectures, coaching, mentorship, and exhibitions to test ideas, receive feedback, and develop skills.

HS’s second focus is a 1-year expert programme for selected ex-HandShakers (HS alumni) that includes a masterclass, coaching, feedback opportunities, and an exhibition in a reputable venue. 

The third focus is an advanced programme for the HS alumni with opportunities for curated group exhibitions and artist collaborations, open to all ex-HandShakers.

The curated exhibitions arise from requests or proposals from national and international dealer galleries, curators, and museums. These are offered to selected current and/or past HandShakers (HS alumni). Other opportunities for the HS alumni are collaborations with other international artists or groups.

This acceleration of successive programmes allows a HandShaker to advance and grow in becoming a serious independent, resilient, and experienced professional.


HS structure:

An appointed selector selects from portfolios a group of jewellery artists. For two years, the new HS recruits develop ideas and work with the assistance of a development programme, exhibitions, coaches, and a chosen or appointed mentor.
The 2-year development structure (HS1, HS2, HS4, HS6, HS8) proves to be an effective support programme for developing sustainable emerging artist practices.
The one-year HS3, HS5, and HS7 projects are the advanced expert versions of the HS programme with selected HandShakers from former HS projects attaining professional support, and high-end exhibitions in established national and international premises.

Handshake 3 at the HWM, Frame galleries, Munich 2017

The alumni focus of both the advanced expert programme and the curated exhibition opportunities elevate independence, capabilities in professional ethics and attitudes, artistic excellence, resilience in making and presenting and gaining communication and writing skills.

The “Exhibition online” feature responds to the new presentation choices HandShakers have in presenting artworks, ideas and contexts through electronic communication. HS6 group pioneered other presentation methods (eg video) with creative solutions.

The HANDSHAKE project could only succeed thanks to the continued funding of Creative New Zealand, and the support of partners like Makers101, JEMbooks, others, and those who donated their expertise and time.

Mia Straka, participant and advisor of the HandShake project. introduces the project’s multifaceted qualities and perspectives’


HANDSHAKE is funded by CNZ and organised by Makers 101


HANDSHAKE is funded by CNZ and organised by Makers 101



HANDSHAKE is funded by CNZ and organised by Makers 101