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  Nadene Carr



  Nadene Carr


Artist statement

Beauty and ugly are not opposed but related, co-dependent aspects.
However defined, beauty is not necessarily attractive and ugliness is not always repulsive.
Taste changes and morphs, erasing aesthetic certainties



Nadene Carr’s work has a sense of humour, as her objects push boundaries of what is good or bad taste. Carr is not afraid to play with visual elements of ugly and beauty. There appears to be no hierarchy between the two objectives as they sit alongside and within each other. Carr uses colour and materials to allow the work to become close to awkward and slightly daring


Te uru

Te uru

Further research into bling bling- turning it on its head. reflect, detracts, mirror where do I identify -more or less . With low brow bling or high brow. Or can you have both? im also interested in using bling as a onomatopoeia . How can I make a piece for the body...

Te Uru

Te Uru

Within my practice a particular word stands out for me at this moment.         Bling referring to the sound effect of tinkling bells sound of light hitting something shiny especially valuables to sound like a diamond ring acknowledge its use for tv cartoon - to hip...



My intent with these 3 artists is to question my own practice with a few of each artists highlights. Lucy - the ritual of her objects giving greater strength. Paul - his rugged strong and questioning approach to making. Ruddt - expressing his experiences on journeys...


Nadene Carr‘s art works: