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  Genie Lee


Artist statement

The aim of my practice is to question where we have been and to explore issues pertaining to diaspora identity. I believe in the power that visual images can communicate to people beyond the boundaries of time and space.

I imagine myself as an artist providing a voice for people who do not have their own. I want to be a medium for the hidden, shadowed people, those we see every day passing by us in the street, sitting right next to us on the bus, inarticulate and alienated. Study of identity and the third place; building a place beyond time and space, and demolishing the boundaries between, became my integral issues.

My art is the question and the answer, the language with which I can communicate, the only language in which I know how to communicate with others.



Genie Lee (Hyung Jin Lee) graduated from the Dunedin School of Art with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2006 and continued her Master of Arts in Visual Art at Griffith University with Elizabeth Shaw in 2013. Genie is working as a health practitioner, educator and visual artist.

Genie’s works relate to diaspora and people living between two worlds. She has participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions in South Korea, New Zealand and Australia.



Genie Lee‘s images

Manjang 2013m

seeing 2005

whereisyoursecurityblanket 2013

mychildwhoodfriend 2018



nomadnomad 2006

mobilehome 2006

mobilehome 2006

breakfastjewellery 2004

fishbowl 2005

Blog posts:

My Dream Jewellery Project

Story of Mi What do you do for a job? I am a student, and I want to work as an animator one day. May I ask how old you are? I am 16 and a half years old. If you could have any necklace of your choice in the world, what would that piece look like? Oh, I have the design...


Story of A What do you do for a job? I am a student and an auto mechanic apprentice. May I ask how old you are? I am 18 years old soon. If you could have any necklace of your choice in the world, what would that piece look like? I would have the one I have. The...

My dream Jewellery

Story of BK What do you do for a job? I work as a technical teacher at a secondary school. May I ask how old you are? I am 49 years old. If you could have any neckpiece of your choice in the world, what would that piece look like? I don't know. Maybe a noose (laugh)....

My dream jewellery project

Story of YJ What do you do for a job? I work as a night nurse in aged care. May I ask how old you are? I am 35 years old. If you could have any neckpiece of your choice in the world, how would that piece look like? I haven't thought about that kind of stuff. I'm not...

My Dream Jewellery Project

My Dream Jewellery Project (by Ordinary, Mundane, and Maybe Boring People) For some time now, perhaps since the pandemic began, I've had a hard time describing what I do—or who I am—more than before 2019. When you're a minority in this country, people often ask you...

permission to be lost

When we are dealing with papers, textile, piece of timber and soap, the restriction became a freedom. Sketching with scissors instead of pencil reminded me of Matisse’s scissors painting. I was free of guilt. When you choose to deal with gold and silver to make your...

In the beginning

The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God's name is Abraxas.". ― Hermann Hesse, Demian Just breaking some random plastic stuff and cutting it up and making more rubbish or make it lose its primary function...