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The HS8 programme is a two-year learning experience for emerging jewellery practitioners, designed to accelerate their careers with comprehensive activities.

HS8 programme offers a diverse range of activities that include explorations in craft art, context discovery, technical skills, processes and materials, art history, art theory, and concepts. In addition, it also focuses on the development of other skills such as writing artist statements, blog writing, as well as video and photo editing.

The HS8 programme’s goal is to foster each artist’s creativity, development, capability, excitement, and endeavour with professional support and feedback.

NOTE: the HS8 programme initiative is supported by Creative New Zealand



The HS8 programme is a two-year learning experience for emerging jewellery practitioners, designed to accelerate their careers with comprehensive activities.

HS8 programme offers a diverse range of activities that include explorations in craft art, context discovery, technical skills, processes and materials, art history, art theory, and concepts. In addition, it also focuses on the development of other skills such as writing artist statements, blog writing, as well as video and photo editing.

The HS8 programme’s goal is to foster each artist’s creativity, development, capability, excitement, and endeavour with professional support and feedback.

NOTE: the HS8 programme initiative is supported by Creative New Zealand

HS8 MASTERCLASS sessions (February – June 2023)

A series of masterclass workshops with Estela Saez-Vilanova 

From March to June 2023, the HS8 artists participated in a series of online masterclasses led by Estela Saez Vilanova. These sessions provided a platform to explore a range of design options and ideas. Estela directed them through a series of creative assignments and offered her guidance to aid them in generating fresh concepts, experimenting with unfamiliar materials, and producing unique artwork. HS8 artists were given during Estela’s masterclass the space to test and fine-tune their own work and ideas, but also get introduced to new ways of discovery, experimentation, questioning, work processes (both fast and slow), and material use (hard/soft, etc.).

The HS8 cohort experimented with their creative development through interdisciplinary exercises and models. These exercises, models, and drawings helped them evolve their personal creative process while cross-disciplinary thinking and hands-on assignments helped them develop a critical eye for making. They explored new thinking patterns based on their artworks, materials, and backgrounds. They asked themselves questions such as “Where do the works come from and where do we want to go? What should we add or remove?”.


est29 In the 15 minutes, I cut the funnel into slices. After some glueing issues, I was able to get them to hold (Nellie Peoples).

HS8 PUSH-PULL sessions 

Renee Bevan‘s famous Push-Pull workshop happened at NMIT, Nelson during NJW, 12-14 April

The face-to-face gathering during the 2023 Nelson Jewellery Week gave the artists an accelerated experience focussed on personal processes and methodologies to develop designs and ideas. This renowned Push-Pull workshop is led by Renee Bevan. Renee equips artists with mental tools that can be utilized throughout their lifetime.

HS8 COACHING sessions 

HS8 coaches: Beppe Kessler, Iris Bodemer, and Katharina Dettar.

A series of feedback sessions were conducted between August and October 2023. Throughout the latter half of 2023, HS8 artists refined their concepts and experimented with various materials based on their insights and learnings from the initial two earlier masterclasses. The artists got the opportunity to receive regular feedback from three esteemed international mentor coaches. The HS8 group was divided into three smaller groups, each with a dedicated coach who worked closely with their mentee artists.

These sessions were within the HS8 cohort, so that all could learn from it and helped them to curate a collection of process artworks that will be showcased at the Depot ArtSpace in Devonport, Auckland, 4 November – 20 December 2023. MORE


Mary-Jane Duffy, an expert in writing, lead during the second half of 2023 a series of masterclasses that will focus on blog writing, content writing, artist statements, marketing texts, communication skills, etc.

HS8 MENTORING sessions 

Starting in early 2024, HS8 artists will have the opportunity to collaborate yearlong with nationally or internationally renowned mentors. These mentors will provide personalized support and guidance to assist the artists in developing their ideas and materials into a cohesive body of work that will be exhibited in November 2024 at the prestigious art venue Pah Homestead, Auckland.

HS8 Exhibition programme


HS8 artists get two opportunities to showcase their experimental and developed work in two public art galleries.

For an artist, having a successful exhibition practice is crucial. After graduation, not many artists get the chance to experience the various aspects of the exhibition process. This includes developing and editing artworks, creating artists’ statements, bios, and labels, designing installations, pricing, artist talks, promoting, building networks, and more.  MORE

HS8 theory & history LECTURE series

A series of Art/design history and theory lectures by Andrea Daly and Neke Moa, scheduled for the first quarter of 2024.

In today’s educational art landscape, the importance of studying art history and theory seems overlooked. This series of online masterclasses delves into critical historical and theoretical concepts taught by renowned experts Andrea Daly and Neke Moa.

Andrea’s masterclass integrates art, history, and design theories with the depth of the HS8 artist’s work, by including experimentation and exploration exercises that delve into each lecture’s concept.. Neke Moa introduced how connections to the art practices of tangata whenua are explored within her own artworks and those of others.

HS8 ON-E sessions 

E presentation workshop ON-E by: Estela Saez Vilanova (CAT-ES)

A series of Zoom workshops during April – October about alternative EXHIBITION options to prepare Handshake 8 artists for their online exhibition submission

The HS8 programme will conclude with a final masterclass in 2024, which will focus on alternative forms of presentation, such as using images and video. The aim is to submit outcomes for the HS exhibition online programme. This special masterclass with  Estela focuses on alternative presentations. In today’s online environment, an artist needs to be smart with their presentation options. This masterclass practices existing and available electronic presentation choices.

HS8 MASTERCLASS sessions (February – June 2023)

A series of masterclass workshops with Estela Saez-Vilanova 

From March to June 2023, the HS8 artists participated in a series of online masterclasses led by Estela Saez Vilanova. These sessions provided a platform to explore a range of design options and ideas. Estela directed them through a series of creative assignments and offered her guidance to aid them in generating fresh concepts, experimenting with unfamiliar materials, and producing unique artwork. HS8 artists were given during Estela’s masterclass the space to test and fine-tune their own work and ideas, but also get introduced to new ways of discovery, experimentation, questioning, work processes (both fast and slow), and material use (hard/soft, etc.).

The HS8 cohort experimented with their creative development through interdisciplinary exercises and models. These exercises, models, and drawings helped them evolve their personal creative process while cross-disciplinary thinking and hands-on assignments helped them develop a critical eye for making. They explored new thinking patterns based on their artworks, materials, and backgrounds. They asked themselves questions such as “Where do the works come from and where do we want to go? What should we add or remove?”.

HS8 PUSH-PULL sessions 

Renee Bevan‘s famous Push-Pull workshop happened at NMIT, Nelson during NJW, 12-14 April

The face-to-face gathering during the 2023 Nelson Jewellery Week gave the artists an accelerated experience focussed on personal processes and methodologies to develop designs and ideas. This renowned Push-Pull workshop is led by Renee Bevan. Renee equips artists with mental tools that can be utilized throughout their lifetime.

HS8 COACHING sessions 

HS8 coaches: Beppe Kessler, Iris Bodemer, and Katharina Dettar.

A series of feedback sessions were conducted between August and October 2023. Throughout the latter half of 2023, HS8 artists refined their concepts and experimented with various materials based on their insights and learnings from the initial two earlier masterclasses. The artists got the opportunity to receive regular feedback from three esteemed international mentor coaches. The HS8 group was divided into three smaller groups, each with a dedicated coach who worked closely with their mentee artists.

These sessions were within the HS8 cohort, so that all could learn from it and helped them to curate a collection of process artworks that will be showcased at the Depot ArtSpace in Devonport, Auckland, 4 November – 20 December 2023. MORE



Mary-Jane Duffy, an expert in writing, lead during the second half of 2023 a series of masterclasses that will focus on blog writing, content writing, artist statements, marketing texts, communication skills, etc.

HS8 MENTORING sessions 

Starting in early 2024, HS8 artists will have the opportunity to collaborate yearlong with nationally or internationally renowned mentors. These mentors will provide personalized support and guidance to assist the artists in developing their ideas and materials into a cohesive body of work that will be exhibited in November 2024 at the prestigious art venue Pah Homestead, Auckland.

HS8 Exhibition programme


HS8 artists get two opportunities to showcase their experimental and developed work in two public art galleries.

For an artist, having a successful exhibition practice is crucial. After graduation, not many artists get the chance to experience the various aspects of the exhibition process. This includes developing and editing artworks, creating artists’ statements, bios, and labels, designing installations, pricing, artist talks, promoting, building networks, and more.   MORE

HS8 theory & history LECTURE series

A series of Art/design history and theory lectures by Andrea Daly and Neke Moa, scheduled for the first quarter of 2024.

In today’s educational art landscape, the importance of studying art history and theory seems overlooked. This series of online masterclasses delves into critical historical and theoretical concepts taught by renowned experts Andrea Daly and Neke Moa.

Andrea’s masterclass integrates art, history, and design theories with the depth of the HS8 artist’s work, by including experimentation and exploration exercises that delve into each lecture’s concept.. Neke Moa introduced how connections to the art practices of tangata whenua are explored within her own artworks and those of others.

HS8 ON-E sessions 

E presentation workshop ON-E by: Estela Saez Vilanova (CAT-ES)

A series of Zoom workshops during April – October about alternative EXHIBITION options to prepare Handshake 8 artists for their online exhibition submission

The HS8 programme will conclude with a final masterclass in 2024, which will focus on alternative forms of presentation, such as using images and video. The aim is to submit outcomes for the HS exhibition online programme. This special masterclass with  Estela focuses on alternative presentations. In today’s online environment, an artist needs to be smart with their presentation options. This masterclass practices existing and available electronic presentation choices.

HS8 blog posts:

Judy Chicago

Judy Chicago

When Judy Chicago was a student at UCLA in the late 1950s, she took a class called "Intellectual History or Europe," where her male professor declared that women had made zero contributions to European history.  Aware of how little Chicago to start what would become a...

Hannah Wilke

Hannah Wilke

Hannah Wilke was among the first Artists to incorporate vaginal imagery into her work.  During the 1970s, she used her own body to create "performalist self-portraits."   Her work "S.O.S. – Starification Object Series" from 1974 to 1982, critiqued the commodification...

Carolee Schneemann

Carolee Schneemann

Anthony McCall, thirteen photographs of Carolee Schneemann, Interior Scroll, 1975. Stockholm: Moderna Museet. © Carolee Schneemann. Photo: Estate of Carolee Schneemann/Galerie Lelong & Co./Hales Gallery/PPOW Gallery. Challenging the way that women's Art was...

Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono

    Judy (Judith Darragh, my handshake mentor), has suggested I take a look at a series of performance Artists who deal with the body and a piece that I find meaningful. I am starting with the incredible Yoko Ono. Ono's work often questioned the division...