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earth meditation

earth meditation

A reflection on earth by John O’Donohue Let us bless The imagination of the earth. That knew early the patience To harness the mind of time, Waited for the seas to warm, Ready to welcome the emergence Of things dreaming and voyaging Among the stillness of land,...
Rules Required?

Rules Required?

As part of the Handshake 8 journey, we have jewellery history lectures from the wonderful Andrea Daly, New Zealand Jeweller and educationalist. As part of a homework task, Daly required us to think about the unwritten rules of contemporary jewellery, consider our own...
All aboard the Mentor-ship

All aboard the Mentor-ship

Whoever wrote the proverb “never meet your [creative] heroes”, obviously had never met Neke Moa. She is my mentor this year for Handshake8. I will not recite the incredible things that Neke has created, exhibited and taught, but I would redirect, and recommend, you to...
The colours of tarnish

The colours of tarnish

We have had yet another wonderfully thought provoking prompt from Andrea Daly’s Theory and History lecture. We were asked to observe something inanimate over a couple of weeks. We were to pay attention, to see how the inanimate thing changes and evolves, also how it...

Neo-Animism   Dream Journal A handwritten note is passed to me. Inside it says, “I would like to sit and drink tea with you, Sir.”  \\ Animism (from Latin: anima meaning ‘breath,...
of late.

of late.

It’s been six months here in Te Wai Pounamu, nestled in the mountains, rivers and lakes (and… sheep, cows, dogs, horses, hawks and ten million hares). Most of the time I’m just doing life, trying not to let overwhelm submerge me, leaning in to gratitude and...
Fun with Film Editing

Fun with Film Editing

It’s been a really interesting couple of weeks.  Part of me is missing the bench and making actual physical art, the other part is quite the nerd and loves the dabble; figuring out creative ways to express ideas through film making. Obviously, I’m a novice and...
Books, books, books

Books, books, books

In the Handshake 8 journey we have recently begun our Contemporary Jewellery History and Theory classes with the incredible Andrea Daly. It has been wonderful to stretch my brain in the theory space in a much more focused way. One of our first projects for the class...
Tick tock… you don’t stop,

Tick tock… you don’t stop,

I’ve read that as an artist, you should just never stop making. Then you don’t have to start again. An art practice needs to be practiced.  …but I stopped for summer. Life happens, school holidays happen and here we are, end of February, getting started again. When I...
Northward bound

Northward bound

I have had such a spectacular beginning to the year. There have been adventuring through Northland over a 10 day period. It was a time full of exploring, hiking and, when I could, collecting. On the trip I took almost 2000 images of everything and anything that caught...