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The HANDSHAKE6 group has been collaborating on a fundraising necklace project for a while, and they are excited to share the results! These necklaces are a collaboration between the group with each participant designing one of the 12 shapes. There are 4 different...
Whirlwind in Wellington

Whirlwind in Wellington

Although belated I thought I would share my 2cents on the group show we had in wellington at Te Auaha gallery in October 2020. I brought along my partner both for support and because we both needed a change of scenery after 2020’s madness. We arrived in wellington at...
How to prepare bones for carving

How to prepare bones for carving

This post is not for the faint of heart (or stomach). It features images or descriptions of handing meat and animal bones. Before you start preparing your bones you need to know what to ask for and where to get them. I get my bones from a local butchery, it’s best to...
Patterns and Structures

Patterns and Structures

I initially started this handshake project looking at patterns of growth. Initial experiments were made out of metal using the pattern of skin cells to create a magnified version. If we think about cells and their patterns we suddenly realise we are surrounded by...
Thoughts on holes

Thoughts on holes

I’ve been exploring holes a lot in my work lately so I thought I would write a list of all the different words for holes that I can think of. Holes continue to be a running theme throughout my current works and I spend a lot of time thinking about different kinds of...
Life in a bubble

Life in a bubble

This post was written 23 March 2020, due to technical issues (dead laptop charger) it could not be published earlier. Isolation day 32 (feels like 3000). March has been a month of chaos in many different ways. I worked, I taught, I suffered from illness and fear, and...


January and February have been a whirlwind starting with the kick-off of Handshake 6 and ending in the beginnings of studio experiments. Jewelcamp started with sweaty hands and a pounding heart. Upon meeting the other handshakers I found myself among friends, with...