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The series that I developed for HandShake 7 revolved around concepts that has long interested me.

That of “lexical semantics,” “the analysis of word meanings and relations between them” (Oxford Dictionary) and the use of typefaces for communicating ideas and evoking feeling.

For the series “Yes, No, Maybe” I created a typeface in which each letter crashed into another. The letters, while somewhat readable, were not distinct from each other but were part of the whole of the word, phrase, or repetition.

The words Yes and No are definitive. They communicate a very clear meaning and intention, with no room for interpretation. Maybe, on the other hand, is open-ended and, when used, allows the individual to change their stance over time or under different circumstances.

I feel that the pieces have something of an architectural feel to them. Buildings and monuments, like language, have form and structure. I played with the layering of the surface of the pieces with “steps” between letters or words as I felt that there are steps between the three words. With Maybe as the midpoint and Yes and No as either an up or down step,

Exhibiting in a gallery such as Galerie Marzee is incredible. It is humbling to have work in a space that houses so much experience and wisdom.
within the walls of the remarkable building… and to exhibit in a space that houses such an extensive collection of contemporary jewellery greats and hosts shows of the best of the best is mind-boggling.

Handshake 7 has offered me the opportunity to continue to build strong relationships within the contemporary jewellery world in Aotearoa and internationally.  These connections are priceless. To speak with people who understand the community, your work, the importance of making to you, and who will agree with you or question you, is invaluable. Being a maker means that you often work in a vacuum. You’re huddled in your studio, making alone and without the opportunity to be stretched and challenged.This is something that Handshake offers in a safe environment- but not too safe so you don’t grow!