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Time and time we run out of time

Time and time we run out of time

Why did I investigate into plastic when the original work by Dorothea Prühl is made from wood and called ‘Tiere’ (animals). What seems to be contradictory is based on me growing up in the controversy time of abundance of plastic toys and my parents’ love and concern...
The ‘Poly’ Petting Zoo

The ‘Poly’ Petting Zoo

The ‘Poly’ Petting Zoo While developing work for the exhibitions at CODA, Appledorn and TeUru, Auckland I got drawn into the multitudinousness world of plastics. A topic as complex as the abundance of different plastics in our daily lives and also one of...
Art you can dismantle

Art you can dismantle

The showing of Eva Rothschild’s, Kosmos, at the Wellington City Gallery couldn’t have happened at a better time for me. I’ve already been looking at her work intently over the last few months so the opportunity to see it in person is excellent. While...


If you were in any doubt who specific toys were targeted to, take a look at the packaging.            Let’s look at statistics of engineers relatively recently in the US (since there’s a few meccano boxes specifically for engineering). Women account for 47% of...
Plastic fantastic

Plastic fantastic

The first plastic was developed in 1869. It was called celluloid and one of its first uses was to produce a white billiard ball (to replace ivory). Bakelite shortly followed. Oil was cheap, and the toy industry was gradually taken over. It was also very flammable. It...
One more grid

One more grid

One of the sessions during Roseanne Bartley’s workshop at the beginning of the year was based on the idea of using a list of verbs as the basis for working with one of the materials we had brought.  Having a list of words (materials, colours, times, actions) as the...
A walk can be a necklace…

A walk can be a necklace…

I once read an interview with a (Scandinavian?) jeweller who said “a walk can be a necklace”. They referred to the boost of getting into nature for body, mind and spirit; like jewellery, but worn on the inside. Later, I drove myself crazy trying to trace...
Mahi mahia – doing the work

Mahi mahia – doing the work

The processes of creating are different each time I tackle a project.  They can often start the same..materials being often a starting point.  With the Coda pieces, it makes life a bit easier? different at least to be able to have a conversation and dialogue with...


For CODA I’ve been exploring ideas around genealogy, genetics and family trees. What kinship do my pieces share with the three original works they are responding to? How many branches of the family tree separate them and what are the different lineages that...
Melting Moments

Melting Moments

While developing the work in response to the artist chosen by CODA Museum I got a little sidetracked… or not? The work will be around the contemporary interpretation/ response therefore current political and environmental issues made their way into the...