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Blog 7

Blog 7

Blog 7, April 8th, 2017 I have a number of collections but at the moment I’m focusing on two.  I have been working with (and collecting) silver plate since 2013 – its perceived value, meaning and use has changed, particularly during the last half century.  Developing...
make it

make it

The countdown is on only 2 weeks until the Pah homestead show Opens…the last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind but I have finally consolidated my latest work. I was lucky enough to have a group crit session ( the first in years ) with Sam Kelly and a few...
Incomplete – Unfinished – Raw

Incomplete – Unfinished – Raw

Incomplete – Unfinished – Raw When I was asked by my mentor to select the most expressive pieces from my last body of work, I chose the ones that show the rawness of fabrication, with tool marks still visible. These pieces appear to be more alive. During...


LANGUAGE Working with my mentor Tanel Venre, during the design phase for the exhibition at The National in Christchurch, he asked a question about the language the individual pieces, and the collection as a whole was speaking. Which language has been used and why?...


I cant even beginning to express how important meditation is to my practice. And especially my life. There are so many ways to meditate. Sitting and closing your eyes is only one. One of my favourite ways to meditate is through movement. Almost all my life I have been...
Whats going on ?

Whats going on ? Sarah Walker-Holt, Lucy Pierpoint, Mandy Flood, Dorothy de Lautour, Caroline Griffth,Eileen Leary, Lisa Higgins, Maca Burnal Tracy Watson, Michelle Wilkinson, Laura Jer, Ingrid van Heusden A varied bunch of...