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time for findings, pins and technical decisions. I think this is a pendant?? …or maybe a brooch. 

FINDING SOLUTIONS (… a jewellery pun)

The countdown is on only 2 weeks until the Pah homestead show Opens…the last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind but I have finally consolidated my latest work. I was lucky enough to have a group crit session ( the first in years ) with Sam Kelly and a few other maker/creatives at a recent artist meet up in New Plymouth, It really helped me unpack my thinking and identify subtle connections I had not yet made … I spent the next few days asking myself “what is this work not about”? 

Its just as Judy said in a recent email  “it’s important to have conversations and crystalize your thinking”.

regular outside perspective and critique is something that has been lacking in my practice, so feel I have achieved a milestone in my professional development.

Judy is away in San Francisco in an artists residency so I have been keeping in touch over Instagram and working my way through some of Judy’s favorite books..fantastic reading stretching the brain cells, lots of self-reflection and aha moments to be had!

Chromophobia, By David Batchelor and Materiality and Failure Documents of Contemporary Art, published by Whitechapel press

with regular skype sessions and many many emails, The Handshake 4 crew are also on the go! decisions are being made and prep for the exhibit is well underway with Peter in the role of curator…such a great team to be a part of looking forward to the 30th of October opening night! 🙂 check out our facebook page and look out for our new HANDSHAKE4 Instagram account and please like and follow us.