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When I got the news I’d been accepted into the HANDSHAKE Programme at the end of January I was both terrified and excited. It was my 3rd time applying to this highly regarded mentorship program over the years, so I am stoked to have finally made it here, and also feel I’m now really ready to embrace it fully.

After meeting all the other mentees via a brief Zoom introduction the following week, we were emailed a set of instructions on materials and equipment to bring to our first session. I could already tell we were in for an exciting time, as the list required us to show up with one Red, White & black object minimum size as big as your head!
Searching around my house, I quickly realised this needed outsourcing, so I headed along to my local ‘tip shop’ for some second-hand treasures.

For our first online Masterclass session, we got acquainted with our teacher, the esteemed Catalonian maker & tutor, Estela Saez.
Estela brought some big energy to our session, which kept us going through the evening as we explored quick-fire exercises and challenges, deconstructing and transforming our objects. Suddenly I felt like we were re-creating our own version of the famous TV series, Project Runway! with our 10 & 15-minute tasks that we’d then get feedback on after presenting to the group.

All and all, a great first session with lots of energy flowing! I look forward to the next surprise challenge

Bear with me as I learn to navigate the world of blogging

Watch this space!

Screen Shots by our tutor, Estela Saez of the group with our various Red, Black & White objects up for transformation in a series of quick-fire challenges