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Although belated I thought I would share my 2cents on the group show we had in wellington at Te Auaha gallery in October 2020. I brought along my partner both for support and because we both needed a change of scenery after 2020’s madness.

We arrived in wellington at 7.30am Wednesday 28th October. Arriving alongside Susan, we were kindly taxied into the city by Nina (handshakers uniting already). We were not able to check in to our accommodation until 2pm which made it a rather long day, after getting up at 5.30am (a rarity in my world). My partner and I explored the wonders of Te Papa, including the incredible Anzac exhibition. I even found some historical jewellery pieces of interest to my own practice.

Thursday the 29th was set up day at the gallery and a chance to see all the handshakers in person (minus 1). There were lots of hugs and excited nervous chats, even though we hadn’t all been together since January 2020 it felt as if no time had passed. We really do feel like a wee family unit, all quite intuitive to each other’s feelings. I was feeling insecure and inadequate about my work and display I had produced for the exhibition and as such was slightly stressed about the whole thing.

One by one the rolls of paper went up on the wall with the guidance of the amazing Vernon and Peter. Seeing all the work slowly coming together made me feel like a part of something bigger than myself, which ultimately took the imagined pressure off of me. While I thought my own paper was simple when I was decorating it at home, it went with all the other work so well. There was such a cohesiveness between all of our works.


My work went up rather quickly once it was my turn, I knew roughly where I wanted my 3 pieces to hang. It was just a matter of getting them up on the wall. Once my work was up I was ready to crash and ended up taking a nice long nap back at the hotel (total bliss after sleepless nights of excitement and anxiety).

My partner and I took some time for ourselves on the Friday to explore the city and catch up with a friend, as well as eat ridiculous amounts of delicious food. We think we’re in love with Wellington.

The opening went smoothly and it was lovely talking to people about each of our works and giving insight into the twisted journeys that lead to the work we each presented. Mia did a wonderful speech on behalf of us all thanking everyone for coming and everyone who helped with the exhibition. And then it was time for dinner, which was truly wonderful, again I felt as if we were all one big jewellery family. Can’t wait for our next group event.