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  Victoria King


  Victoria King


Artist statement

Victoria has transformed a vintage tin into a locket to be worn as a statement necklace. She found the tin in a junk shop selected for it’s decorative quality, with faded lettering and rusty colours, ones that you can see time has taken is toll, like it is telling it’s own story. Victoria loves objects steeped in nostalgia, they reflect the history of the area, taking you back in time. They entice the viewer to interact with them and find out what secrets are inside. A playful collage is hidden within the locket as if it express the subconscious of the wearer, creating dreamscapes, an alternative reality to the commercial items that were once contained inside.


Brass hinged element neckpiece with found vintage tin and artist designed collage.




Victoria King a Silversmithing and Metalworks graduate, and has a strong interest in crafts and design working as a technician at Central Saint Martins in London. She often uses found objects in her work, as she is fascinated by the unknown history of objects, and relish uncovering their mysteries. This has fed into her love of museums and galleries, as she is fascinated by objects and their histories. 


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