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I am so grateful for the energy of Estela Saez and the Handshake group during this series of workshops in what has been a difficult year for me personally. The spirit of generosity has been overwhelming as we’ve worked together through what has been frustrating, demanding and surprising.

We come now to the end of this first part of our Handshake journey. The challenge of keeping up with the pace of rapid fire assignments makes way for pause and consideration. What parts of the process to draw into our practice. What excites or causes friction that can be used to propel us on.

I have enjoyed the freedom of just playing with different materials. The pleasure of immersing myself in a new material and creating objects with no particular intent. Taking what I have discovered about technique and form and bringing it back to the traditional metal I so love. The folds and rigidity of my earlier series has been replaced by curves and fluidity.

On a more critical note though I am drawn to these stills from a video piece I made based on the word flexi. Looking back on it now I realise that instead it captures a tightness and sense of the awkwardness that plagues me.  I want to let go more, to learn to be kind to myself and my work. To know that this year is about having that space for exploration.

I am reminded too of the very first evening session and blog post. The fast transformation of a gas can into a gas mask. The thought I needed to do more was replaced by the realisation I needed to do less. I have continued to feel the frustration of overworking a piece and missed opportunities. That lightness of touch good work has.

As always contemplation has raised more questions than answered and I am left to ponder…

How do I make make room for more surprises and use the unexpected to break free from the restraints of myself?”