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It might seem like a weird question to consider but something that I puzzle over is  whether or not to clean the materials (at the moment found rubbish objects and things) that I am currently working with. For some people this is probably not a question that they would struggle answering – its seems obvious to wash these things as they are and can be pretty dirty. But here are some of the things that run through my mind in relation to this:

  • What is lost by cleaning? 
  • Where does this dirt (that which is removed) go? Down my sink hole and then where?
  • If we (the communal we, as in ‘us’ that litter) are happy enough for our environment to ‘wear’ this rubbish stuff, then why should it be removed when the opportunity for us (again the communal and/possible or individual who might visit the gallery) to wear these objects should they then be deemed clean enough for wearing. Should we not share and share alike?
  • By leaving the dirt on the objects, does the ecological and anthroposcene-ic message get heightened?
  • What does it mean for me as the maker, the one who handles these rubbish things? Are there health and safety implications for me? I believe so as I have no idea what might be part of the makeup of these objects, the microbial and minute things attached. I live in a predominantly rural area, with a lot of intensive farming and irrigation run off into the water way where I tend to collect from so I am very concerned about what pollutants and other detrimental microbes might be around. I wear gloves and masks when handling all of these things. 
  • What considerations do I need to think about for the audience and possible wearers of the pieces that I am making? 
  • I don’t want my practice to be didactic and telling people to PLEASE STOP POLLUTING OUR ENVIRONMENT but this is hard not to do. But I believe that people are predominantly more open to subtle and a caring approach, that leaves room for pondering and questioning our individual actions. I believe that Contemporary Jewellery has a great ability to be a part of this process because the act of wearing, touching, holding close to ones’ body is powerful. This process of wearing objects embodies the experience and it becomes more than a mere academic act or well-meaning intention. 

Handmade cord from material found on beach, attached to a glass bottle that has been flattened by bonfire.

So, what do you think? Should I clean my hoard or make with it, dirt, germ, pollutants and all?  Would you want to wear a piece that is inherently dirty and potentially dangerous to your health?