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I’m no stranger to working with soft plastic, yet still it surprises me.

Honestly, there wasn’t an in-depth thought process to choose a material when Estela asked us to bring along something we had a lot of to the next workshop.  A pallet of something had been delivered to work and I couldn’t bring myself to throw out the plastic wrap, thinking ‘one day I’ll get around to seeing how it behaves’…obviously, it sat in my room for months taking up space, until this opportunity arose.

Soft plastic has clear commonalities, i.e. heat = melting.  Yet, the different colours, opacities and thicknesses all have variable characterstics.  Material exploration, following your curiosities ‘what happens when…’ is fun and freeing.  This year that Handshake8 has allowed for idea generation is exactly what I need after the intensity of last year..  The main pressures are my own expectations and time constraints, so its been really great.

The results of my experiments were plentiful and variable, here are some of my favourites.