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The final part of the Handshake 7 programme saw 3 artists from Galerie Marzee look over our work, over zoom, and offer a critical response. From the private spaces of our homes and studio spaces, we shared processes, concepts, and contexts and received generous, if sometimes challenging, feedback. This tension between the private and the public is familiar territory for the jeweller – we embed our secret desires and greatest fears into material and send it out into the commons. Beyond us.

Writer and curator Sarah McClintock helped us tackle the written statement. Not easy. I sometimes wonder if the failings and refusals in this space are because the reality of what is in front of us is too terrifying to speak of directly.

Nga mihi nui Katharina Dettar, Iris Bodemer, Annelies Planteijdt, and Sarah McClintock.

New work will be showing alongside Handshake 7 artists at Galerie Marzee, December 4 2022 – February 11 2023

jewellery is for everybody


Pendants 2022, detail (beeswax, damar crystals, pigments, essential oils, balsa wood)