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Peter Deckers has given us a range of performative exercises to help us get out of our habitual working patterns.
One of these exercises is to talk, shout, whisper or make sounds to your object, and see what response this creates in you or your object. What is your object saying or asking for?

OMG… shouting, or whispering to an object… really? This brings up major inner resistance. I am an introvert, this feels stupid, ridiculous and as such I put the information sheets away, not to be looked at again.

The topic of these exercises was brought up again in a group meeting. There was no getting away from it; I needed to try some of them. So, few weeks ago, as I lay in bed thinking about this, I imagined how this may work and started a conversation in my head with one of my most recently finished experiments.

It was a most enlightening (excuse the pun!) exercise. Generally, I have a theme in the back of my head when making work.  Once I have finished a piece or several pieces, I carefully look at the work and it is at that point that the piece will reveal its intention and inform me about its content; my subconscious thoughts become conscious.

But this conversation, these revelations and answers were different.  They came from a different consciousness altogether, nothing to do with me and my subconscious thoughts.

I have been very reluctant to publish this conversation because it sounds so cliché and banal but at the same time it is genuine, so here it goes anyway…  feeling very exposed, a bit like walking around naked for everyone to see.


Conversation between Nina and Piece


N … Hi

P … Hi

N… This is kinda weird.

P… Why?

N…Well, talking to an object, a thing.

P… But all things are life, energy. Even rocks.

N…That is true

P…And I embody all the energy you gave me too… remember?

N…Yes, that is true.

P… Why did you choose me?

N… I thought you were beautiful. You were the first piece, after working for months that really felt right, in my gut       right.

P… That’s nice.

N… But are you enough?

P… What do you mean?

N…You seem so simple, so little to it.

P… But I encompass the universe.

N…Really? The universe? That seems a bit pretentious.

P… But it is true. I am the light and the dark, the day and the night, the sun and the moon. A single ray of sunshine.

N… That sounds so corny “A single ray of sunshine”.

P…  Maybe, but the sun sustains life. My ray needs to be stronger though, more golden.

N… Oh yes, that makes sense. So, are you enough?

P… I am enough, I am the essence. When we do away with all the noise we are left with little. I say all in little.


It was a totally unpredictable and extraordinary experience. Perhaps I should try shouting and whispering.