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Estella challenged us through a series of fast exercises to look differently at common objects we had brought to the room. As we pushed through a range of materials, I realised that the choice of those materials had been quite important.

Samples from exercises above

I found the blind drawing was a struggle, but its the thing that I’ve revisited a few times since.

Towards the end of the sessions, I was trying to reconcile the exercises and my proposal to Marzee. The fast fire exercises left me no time to reconcile the two. I’m interested to know if others in the group stayed on the track of their proposal, or the work changed after the workshops.

Looking back on my notes I have some takeouts from the sessions:

“Make what you have the need to make”

“After 100 years, what will they think?”

“Abstract becomes personality”

“Take to a simple form to tell the story”

By the end I felt I was just warming up.

Thank you Estella for the journey.