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I’ve never given birth to an actual child, but I’m told the pain of it evaporates as soon as you see your progeny – maybe this feels a little like that(??). This day is coloured by the warm glow of achievement and milestones reached.  Handshake8 year one, we are almost done.  Just some blog posts and social media mentions and then time to take a breath and gather for next years programme.  I am now under no delusions that it will be easy but I hope that I have let go of a few insecurities so that the experience will contain less angst.

What else have I learnt?

  • True creativity doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Getting out and amongst it – life participation, is required.
  • Time is most precious.
  • Gratitude for ‘mini-moments’ when the pressure is on…like a bath at the end of a looooong day, or a GnT on the patio in golden Sunday afternoon light while watching/listening to Tui birds in the tree’s.

I’m wondering, is there a way to evolve as a maker (while working full time) that doesn’t leave me utterly depleted and disconnected from friends family and real-life. What does a more tactical use of time look like…and does that work in a creative context? I think that will be next years challenge.

The exhibition

It was so lovely spending time with the Handshake8 crew. Setting up the exhibition was pretty smooth, lots of laughter and camaraderie, with us all coming together in a contribution of skills.  I think we managed to bring our diverse aesthetics together to provide a stimulating experience for the viewer.   Of course, I would liked to have done more with my display but that is another lesson – allow more time for install planning.  I was happy enough with the way it tied the work and process together and I learnt a lot from the other more established artists about professionalism, exhibition display, public speaking, exhibition organisation…..honestly, its gonna take a beat to process everything.  In this moment, the experience is remembered as a cool, intense, gruelling, nerve racking, thrilling, celebration of emergence and this creative year.

…..a couple of weeks later; 200% more chilled and itching to get back to Making.  Hmm, didn’t see that one coming.  I expected a crash of sorts.  It turns out I got used to utilising my evenings. The habitual practice of creativity has formed.  How cool is that!?