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a HandShake 8 mid-project exhibition at DEPOT Artspace, Devonport, Auckland: 4 Nov – 20 Dec 2023


‘Proof of Concept’ is an exhibition that marks the halfway point in the journey of HANDSHAKE 8; a two-year professional development programme for 11 contemporary jewellers.

The Handshake programme sets the stage for exploration without parameters. The work showcases a diverse group, united by material play and conceptual insight.

The artworks presented as ‘proof of concept’ are to experience the ideas, processes, and materials, as well as the makers, who are in their process of development, that might shape further exploration, criticality, and future options.

The artist talk session prior to the opening led by Andrea Daly became a vital learning tool due to Andrea’s questions and the multiple feedback given to each artist after their talk.


Grace Yu-Piper

I looked at the fabric and it told me that it wanted to be a stone.

Denise Callan

Walk of Shame

“For when I kept silent, my bones wasted away…”
Psalm 32.3

Genie Lee

I have entered adulthood, though I find it hard to believe. I remain more apprehensive of life than of death. Many days and nights as an adult, I am plagued by a sense of hopelessness. I delved into the realms of science, medicine, and religion in my quest for a cure to confront my fears. However, my childhood nightmares and monsters always seem to find me at the end of the road. I’ve sought out old friends from the past, attempting to maintain hope and heal my wounds.

Louise Hill

Fat chat
“I’m a feminist but…” the money I have spent on body treatments could have funded a house deposit or the university education of my two children.

You might think I’m alone in this, but in a recent survey, 97%  of women respondents said they have at least one negative thought about their body – every single day.

How can we take down the patriarchy when we’re busy worrying about how we look?

Lisa van Hulst

“We are time. We are space, this clearing opened by the traces of memory inside the connections between our neurons. We are memory. We are nostalgia. We are longing for a future that will not come.” 

Carlo Rovelli, theoretical physicist

Fran Carter

Speaks to Trees 

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” –John Muir.

Nellie Peoples

My Wanderings are the result of exploring Aotearoa New Zealand by foot. As I am new to this country, walking allows me to create a map of where I am. Not merely a geographical map, but one of feeling and experiencing a place.

This collection of jewellery is directly inspired by what I took in at the sites that I visited. I can wear or look at each piece from Wanderings and am instantly transported to the place that inspired them. 

The objects are indeed evidence of my explorations and in the same moment, they are also evidence of my creation of memories and the deepening connection to the shores of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Rachel Chapman

“The path to creative confidence is littered with overthinking and rarely follows a
direct route.”
This body of work is a celebration of progression; the art of becoming. It reflects on
the intellectual, technical and emotional growth that got me to the present moment.

Each work is a curiosity followed, exploring material, form and function; stepping-
stone iterations of understanding, gaining in momentum and confidence.

Rose Pinkernell

When you grovel

You gift me dred

I’ve got my 9-5

But I’ll give you everything

Living hand-to-mouth

But I’ll give you everything

Tūī Diprose

barefoot in the twilight, sunlight lingers warm between bones. a circle drawn in the dirt, i collect sticks to make a fire. dusk gathers, as does the quiet. stillness.

i become a starlit sky, become woodsmoke, river flow, mossy rocks and hard sharp edges. flowers wilt at the altar. you are gone from this realm now, but your soul still speaks of fullness.