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Putting it out there – talking about it.

What to exhibit in an exhibition that marks the halfway point in this two year handshake project?  In a public process show how resolved should that process be? Does it need to be jewellery, to be wearable?  So many questions to consider and decisions to be made about what I feel comfortable to reveal and what articulates the story I want to tell.

The three mentor sessions with Iris Bodemer helped me to navigate through these queries and feelings of being too close to what I was making to be able to see what to present. Her incredibly generous and thoughtful feedback helped me to sift through the weeds of many different explorations to what I was happy with. Choosing the strongest pieces and then making more – iterating on the ideas to create a body of work that while still in progress at least feels resolved enough to show and talk to.

To capture time, to hold onto a precious moment. To remember and sink into the feelings that the past can bring up. Time blurs and fades, memories fragment then are gone.

One iteration from a series of triptych for the exhibition “Proof of Concept” – Handshake 8 group show on now until December 20th at Depot Artspace, Davenport, Auckland

Works made from thread on photograph, thread on enamelled steel and graphite on enamelled steel.