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When the brief for ChainReaction came trough, I was conflicted because most of my practice is dedicated to making Links. I decided to re-interpret my LINKS by blowing them up, so I went on trade me and under the category Party and Festive I found a large inflatable water toy. Its colours and forms gave me a good place to begin, cutting patterns, and experimenting melting down the edges to join blocks with a iron, a hair straightener, tin foil, and parchment paper.

I must admit it got very frustrating very fast, but I persevered and kept on keeping on. The final stages included submerging them in the jacuzzi to spot for pinholes through which the air kept on escaping. That was fun.

Then I made a broock from the leftovers for the pin Swap and Fran Leich got it.

Nelson was a lot of fun. We should do it again.
