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Scrambling to finish the ‘connection’ to my neighbour for CHAINreaction, Handshakes at the Refinery show in Nelson. I had used a ‘found’ piece of copper and stripped it down to make a rather tiny link and Attai asked me

• why round?

• how do you move from one material to the next?

• what’s the recipe…formal, shape, bridge, material, proportion, industrial, found

• it needs to look not accidental

• what about the red colour…could you enamel it?

• what is her language?

• it needs to be a ‘link’

I hadn’t really thought of it as a link, more a separate transition to another chain. My work was square, so why was it round?

So I decided to make the end of the connection square to marry with mine, and make the end that connected to Sandra also square, but more delicate. I wrapped it in a black cord, in keeping with the image she had shown me, but when I got to the show, the chain links were sprayed white! 

Sneak preview of the show the day before it opened

There were so many highlights at Nelson Jewellery Week it’s difficult to pick one.

• Catching up in person and meeting other jewellers for the first time

• Showing work with past and present Handshakers

• Nelson centre, galleries, op shops, market

• NJW shows and floortalks were really excellent

My work in situ, adjoining Vernon Bowden (who set up the show) and Sandra Schmidt on the right.

Fran Leitch talking to Neke Moa and Renee Bevan. A close up of her work. Incredible.

Neke Moa’s wall at the Suter curated by Sarah McClintock. Had us all in tears. Well, me anyway.

So I have a catch-up with Attai in a few days time and must make some work. I’m swirling around trying to pin myself down to the latest chain reaction and the path that has sent me down.