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Story of Mi

What do you do for a job?

I am a student, and I want to work as an animator one day.

May I ask how old you are?

I am 16 and a half years old.

If you could have any necklace of your choice in the world, what would that piece look like?

Oh, I have the design I want on my phone. Can I show you? I don’t know why, but I am so attracted to this bone-shaped design at the moment.

With those sparkles?

Yes, of course. It has to have sparkles.

If that necklace had a superpower, what would it be?

I figured it out; it would take about three days, but the power would probably be shapeshifting. It would make sense because of bones and anatomy and stuff like that.

That sounds like a really cool superpower to have. What kind of shape?

Cool animals, like cats, dogs, wolves, and anything really. Or different human beings, maybe someone totally different from myself.

Mi’s dream necklace