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Story of YJ

What do you do for a job?
I work as a night nurse in aged care.

May I ask how old you are?
I am 35 years old.

If you could have any neckpiece of your choice in the world, how would that piece look like?
I haven’t thought about that kind of stuff. I’m not interested in that sort of thing. I don’t own any type of jewellery. The only thing I wear is my work ID/key card on a lanyard.

Could you try to imagine?
I guess if I could have anything, I’d like a simple pendant made with an opal stone.

Why opal stone?
I’ve been told that it’s my birthstone.

Can you describe how that piece would look?
I’m a small person and have pain in my neck and wrists all the time. So, not big, just a small and light necklace.

If that neckpiece had a superpower, what would it be?
I hope that necklace would make me rich like the golden goose in fairy tales, so I don’t have to work all the time.


Night Nurse YJ

Sketch of YJ’s Dream Jewellery