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Story of BK

What do you do for a job?

I work as a technical teacher at a secondary school.

May I ask how old you are?

I am 49 years old.

If you could have any neckpiece of your choice in the world, what would that piece look like?

I don’t know. Maybe a noose (laugh). I’m just kidding. I’m not having a good day. My old injury is acting up, and the pain is sometimes unbearable.

What about something to help with my pain?

My uncle used to have a copper bracelet, and he swore that it helped with his arthritis. Can you describe how that piece would look? Nah, maybe a tattoo might be better. I already have a lot of tattoos, and then I wouldn’t have to take it off.

If that neckpiece had a superpower, what would it be?

Like I said, if it could ease my pain, inside and out, that would do.


BK in his workshop

Sketch for BK’s tattoo design