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  Mlle Sevadjian


  Mlle Sevadjian


Artist statement

This work delves into the themes of Containment and Uncontained by using two figurines and a pearl necklace.

The black-dressed figurine embodies hidden emotions that can feel oppressive, while the second doll exudes a slimy magma made of resin and thermoplastic elastomers, representing uncontained emotions that can be overwhelming. The pearl necklace also drips with the same substance, signifying traditional jewellery that breaks free from societal norms and expectations to represent uncontained emotions.

The combination of these elements invokes complex emotions, and challenge viewers to reflect on their own relationship with containment and expression, highlighted by the significance of expressing oneself fully. It encourages to contemplate on our locked-away feelings behind closed doors with its potential consequence of uncontained emotions, even if it defies conventional beliefs of composure.


Mlle Sevadjian is an artist/jewellery maker born in Paris. She moved in 2006 to London to study Jewellery and Silver Smiting at the Cass, where she developed craft skills and a strong interest in Narrative and Memento, with make-believe memorabilia made from brass and Found objects. After graduation Mlle joined London based artists’ group ‘Dialogue Collective’. With them she explored the fine lines between art and craft with their group exhibitions, talks, performances, and events in and around Europe. 

In 2015 she started a MAVA Illustration course at Camberwell College of Art to strengthen her 2D practise. While discovering Screen printing and digital media Mlle found new inspiration in teenage culture and technologies of the 90’s, which naturally took her back to her first love: jewellery making and memorabilia.

Now based in the Pyrenees, France Mlle develops her universe into her brand by creating small colourful collections and one-off pieces.

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