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Life can seem like a juggling act and I often feel the same about creativity. Applying to be a part of Handshake 8 I needed to consider multiple factors which often felt contradictory. Apart from the concerns about having time and money to immerse myself in the Handshake journey, I was acutely conscious of the voices and clutter of noise that this particular journey might invite into my creative world. Would I be able to navigate these successfully?

In confessional mode, I am not always the most confident artist, often suffering from Imposter Syndrome and perfectionism. So the thought of inviting others’ differing opinions scared me. There is a myth about artists as creative genius, not needing the input of others, often reclusive and occasionally belligerent. But this myth is not healthy nor relevant in the art world I wish to live in, where gate keepers are not barriers to others instead artists offer guidance and support to those up and coming. With this in mind, I find it an important part of participating in the creative sphere to be in conversation with others. Being a part of the Handshake 8 allows me the amazing opportunity to have conversations with others, about their work, my work and the world of jewellery. I might get confused in amongst the loud chatter, but I trust that my work will find clarity, its’ own distinctive voice as a part of this journey.