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We have just wrapped up 10 sessions with the fantastic Estela Saez. Sometimes it was crazy fun and other times it was deeply challenging.



My practice is very material based, I am obsessed with stone and reluctant to work with other materials. It felt freeing to experiment with different materials, wood, paper, fabric, plastic and even mandarin peel. Using lighter weight materials allowed me to play with scale and create larger works.



We were given lots of quick exercises to do during the classes. Having 10-20 minutes to complete a task and then present back to the group meant grabbing the first idea and sticking with it. No time for doubt, no time for overthinking, I just had to make something and make it work. Or maybe it didn’t work, and that’s was ok too. I tend to be rigid and controlled in my making. I don’t like the idea of failure. This process helped me to take a step back and start to relinquish some of my control.