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This post was written 23 March 2020, due to technical issues (dead laptop charger) it could not be published earlier.

Isolation day 32 (feels like 3000).

March has been a month of chaos in many different ways. I worked, I taught, I suffered from illness and fear, and I’m still here in my little bubble. Life before March 14th was big and active, working and earning, keeping on top of all my commitments. This all came to a screeching halt on the 14th as I fell ill with who knows what at this point.

I had been managing to not let Covid19 affect my life, until I fell ill and had to self-isolate at home. Turning 26 in a bubble, making a celebratory cake for myself and making a virtual birthday celebration with friends and family online. And then the big announcement of alert level 4, and with it the 4 week lockdown for all of New Zealand.

I was well enough to break out of the house (wearing a mask) on the Wednesday 25th (day before lockdown), and get into my studio to take almost everything, just in case, and set up a pretty well functioning studio in my home.

The handshake team got together on the 27th for a catch up meeting. This was hugely uplifting to me, to hear everyone else’s feelings and experiences during this uncertain time made the isolation feel less alone. A few of us posed the idea that this may cause a resurgence in home crafts such as knitting, crocheting and embroidery, forms of making that are more accessible and have a certain comfort to them. I for one have definitely been feeling this and have even made a couple of hand knitted ball-shaped pillows out of chunky merino wool.


March has certainly not been a month of creativity, motivation has been very low and making an effort has at times felt a little hopeless.

Some of this has been alleviated by a catch up meeting with Hanna (my mentor). Even just talking about making and posing ideas helped bring some normalcy to my life. We spoke about the practical ways of handling this uncertain time, making a schedule, making a to-do list, connecting with people (especially studio friends). We spoke about my ‘box of bits’ I have been gathering of experiments and materials, and the reasons I am drawn to these things. We talked about plants and the symbiotic relationship of plants, specifically things like lichens and mosses. I made some goals for things to work on and while it has taken some time I have started to get moving and making and thinking. And to be honest it’s such a relief, I didn’t realise how much I was missing it.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this lockdown ends soon but regardless I will be making, not necessarily quickly but definitely thoughtfully.

Keep in touch with your friends and loved ones, you never know how much they might need it. Stay safe, stay healthy, look after each other.