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It was a little daunting presenting to a largely unknown group in Auckland that first day, however the benefits far outweighed any initial concerns. Renee Bevan grounded us all with a quick introduction to the Push /Pull theory.

I feel fortunate to be with a group of supportive, interested and vital people who shared their jewellery journeys that first day and continued to reveal talents, humour, ideas, compassion and personal stories. These stories were facilitated over the masterclass period by Iris Eichenberg, who skilfully, and disquietingly at times, drew us out through our work and made us the observer of our making, reactions and reasoning. Wonderfully, and terrifyingly, this was the woman I had chosen as my mentor, never imagining when I researched her during my master’s dissertation that we would meet or that she would be a guiding hand through two years of mentorship.

The day spent bringing a selection of our finished and unfinished work to the communal table, then rearranging our own and others works utilising ‘the bits and pieces ‘collected up from our studios, was a disquieting experience. We were an intense and respectful group slowly gaining momentum as the allotted three quarters of an hour passed. The oddly challenging nature of this experience was a portent of things to come…. The following day we each offered up a piece of work we considered to be recognisably ours. This reminded me of a psychometry reading I had as teenager, only difference was Iris didn’t have to hold the object to understand the energy field around it and the maker! Over a 6-hour period Iris gave each member of the group her undivided and compassionate attention, direct and unflinching in her observations. A marathon effort for us all.

We have spoken over dinner and I hope to make contact again this week. Fran and I have been in regular contact with each other (we both chose Iris, for what became obvious reasons not long after we met 😊) and have both been distracted in recent weeks by Weasel.

I’m still following the knot theme, ‘knot’ sure where its heading and really do need to talk with Iris. I’m casting about with ideas, materials and bits of research but haven’t found a clear direction. One of the two new pieces for Weasel may be a precursor but its hard to tell frankly. Early days still!!

Lucky last to post, big shout out to Antonia for sitting at my side and guiding me through Gimp.