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As we got stuck into our introductions with Estela Saez, it dawned on me that I was the youngest participant with the least experience of making outside of study. I like to think I make up for my lack of awards and exhibitions with ambition and a real thirst for learning! Luckily Estela’s first two workshops have been a great way to step outside of any self doubt and focus on pushing ideas forward. We have been experimenting with repurposing and reinventing materials/objects. 

This month I spent some time up north in Rotorua utilising my dads blacksmithing workshop. The biggest challenge with this is making wearable works with tools and materials intended for big scale metal works. The inability to nit-pick at small details leaves the work with a rough finish. Forcing me to unattach from the outcome and focus on the joy of the process. I also spent a few days with my cousin in law making myself a personalised maker’s mark. This time away reminded me how important it is to recognise what a gift the support of others can be, allowing me to create things I otherwise couldn’t! 

Homework: finding an old unfinished piece and transforming the work inspired by a loved one.

Over the next month my goal is to make steps towards expanding my workshop to accommodate a little bit of ceramic work! I would also like to merge some blacksmithing experiments from Rotorua with my more traditional goldsmithing and stone setting work.