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Well we’re underway again with some more Handshake masterclass magic!. Estela Saez had us leaping into the dark and if not exactly leading us blindly into the night, then certainly coaxing us into new and (for meat least) quite unknown territory. Just as you’d expect and hope for!

You never quite know where you’re going with Estela, and that’s the charm- just hold on tight and see where you end up. Its not always pretty but its something… or somewhere, interesting. The fact that you find yourself in some unknown land is exactly what makes it so interesting and rewarding, even if at the time its unsettling and a bit scary to have so little control.

The sheer variety of work that seems to flow through is quite amazing- pieces that come from the crucible of time restraint and demanding deadlines. I always felt “i could have done more” and “ i could have done that better”, but what you are lafft with is an array of work that in hindsight is intriguing, curious, and totally unlike anything i have made before. They are only slivers, maybes, possibilities… but also potentialities that were previously hidden and locked away. So thanks Estela- not quite traumatised, but infinitely rewarded 🙂