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  Mia Straka



  Mia Straka


Artist statement

A commitment to social and environmental issues drives my work and presents through conscious choices of materials, processes, content, and an interest in collaboration, interactivity, and accessibility. Recent work translates personal data from daily drawings into experimental adornment and objects, exploring the space where rationality and intuition collide.



Self employed since 2004, Mia Straka is a partner at collective jewellery studio Workshop6 in Auckland. Straka’s jewellery, sculpture, installation work and interactive projects have been exhibited widely and toured public museums, galleries and libraries both locally and internationally.  The artist has run workshops and taught classes both at Workshop6 and various public institutions and galleries, the most recent being in 2022 at Objectspace as part of the exhibition Mark Work’s public programme. Work is held in the public collection of The Wallace Arts Trust, NZ.





Mia Straka‘s art works: