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HSDC colab

a collaboration between Handshake and Dialogue Collective                                    

Te Ao Hurihuri – Ever Changing World

Journeys through jewellery from New Zealand and the UK

Eight artists from Handshake 3 and three from Handshake 4 collaborate with London based “Dialogue Collective” during the Oceania 2018 event at the Crypt gallery: 23 – 27 October 2018

In October 2018, as part of the events marking the 250th anniversary of Captain James Cook’s first voyage to the Pacific, two groups of artists from opposite sides of the world met to exhibit their works in collaboration at The Crypt Gallery in London.  Artist group and ‘home’ team – Dialogue Collective – and ‘away’ team– HANDSHAKE– were mooring their creative boats side-by-side in The Crypt to discuss responses to  ‘journeys’. These journeys are personal to the artists and include some thorny historical ones, like issues of cultural identity & appropriation, colonial legacy & guilt, land ownership & theft.

Both sides acknowledged the importance of objects as active tools for communication and each crew member explored their individual responses to themes such as voyaging, discovery, mapping, identity, navigation, baggage, trade, gifting, adornment, artifact, survival, own perspectives, and natural resources.

Both artist groups explored their differences, prejudices, grudges, and similarities in an open and welcoming collaborative environment. The outcome of this significant cultural exchange anticipated being one of mutual learning, understanding, and enlightenment with both parties moving forward whilst holding hands.


Kelly McDonald


Kathryn Yeats


Neke Moa


Caroline Thomas

Dialogue Collective

Isabelle Busnel

Dialogue Collective

Petra Bishai

Dialogue Collective

Jo Garner

Dialogue Collective

Annelise Pfeiffer

Dialogue Collective

Anet Wrobel

Dialogue Collective

Sorcha Wharf

Dialogue Collective

Maarit Liukkonen

Dialogue Collective

Naud Traon


Jennifer Laracy


Becky Bliss



Sarah Read



Nadene Carr


Keri-Mei Zagroblena

Dialogue Collective

Velvet Hart


Sarah Walker-Holt

Dialogue Collective

Timothy Information Limited


Te Ao Hurihuri – Ever Changing World

HANDSHAKE: Becky Bliss, Sarah Read, Sarah Walker-Holt, Kelly McDonald, Neke Moa, Kathryn Yeats, Sharon Fitness, Nadene Carr, Caroline Thomas, Jennifer Laracy, Keri-Mei Zagrobelna

DIALOGUE COLLECTIVE: Petra Bishai, Isabelle Busnel, Jo Garner, Velvet Hart, Victoria King, Timothy Information Limited, Maarit Liukkonen, Annelise Pfeiffer, Maud Traon, Sorcha Wharf, Anet Wrobel

The Crypt
Dukes Road, Entrance off Euston Road
London NW1 2BA
Show runs 23 – 27 October 2018
12:00 – 19:00
Opening Event Tuesday 23  18:00 – 21:00
Closing Event Saturday 27  18:00 – 21″00

Exhibition Events:
Tuesday 23, 18:00 – 21:00 Opening Event with Maori Ceremony plus
guest speaker Liesbeth Den Besten.
Wednesday 24, 17:00 – 19:00 Guest speakers followed by informal
discussion in a welcoming pub.
Thursday 25, Film installation by students from K2 Academy.
Saturday 27, 18:00 – 21:00 Closing event with punk jewellery band
Scrotum Clamp.
For full events listing visit Facebook

Artists’ exhibition brief – Voyage/Journey 

The 22 artists seek to document a journey of their own inception, which can be physical or imagined, existing in the past, present or future, or in another universe entirely.

Keywords voyaging, encounters, history and identity.

Contextualising the work through the display and the artwork –

• create a single or group of artefacts, objects and/or jewellery that are a response to, or are ‘found’, on the artist created voyage

• a route/map or the equivalent of the artist journey

• supporting documentation that may include a diary, letters, photo journal, video, found objects/materials, etc.


HANDSHAKE meet DIALOGUE COLLECTIVE online project (2017), MORE


Munich collaboration project:  ‘It will all come out in the wash’ (March 2017), MORE