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 Mah Rana

One Day When We Were Young (Digital Film:






MAH RANA, based in the UK, is currently a PhD researcher at Birkbeck College in the department of Psychological Sciences.

Knitting with My Mother (2020) and One Day When We Were Young (2016) explore the lived experiences of care and co-creativity, and social-making as a way of contributing to the world.

As an ongoing body of work,
Jewellery is Life

highlights the ways we use jewellery to mark occasions and events, significant or the everyday. This includes Meanings and Attachments; (2001-present) a global project creating a written and audio-visual record of people’s personal connections to the jewellery that they wear.

“In John Brahm’s 1946 film ‘The Locket’, Nancy suffers emotional trauma from a childhood incident when she was accused of stealing her friend’s locket. Slowly she loses her sense of reality and destroys the men who love her. Like Nancy, my own attachment to jewellery is very strong but hopefully with not such devastating consequences.”

Mah Rana mentors Amelia Rothwell


©Mah Rana, One day when we were young, mage, 2016

 ©Mah Rana, Meanings and Attachments , mage