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Summer 2021. Time to RESET. But also for some reflection…

Hard to believe it is a year since we all first met together for the Handshake introductions and masterclass with Iris and Renee in Auckland. It seems both like yesterday, and a lifetime ago…

It was so great to see everyone in Wellington for our first group show at Te Auaha. I can’t believe how it came together so well, so fast; i think it was really a great show- great work, great diversity, and the presentation design i think was also really great.

Here are some words from the small book I put together to go with my work from the show










“I have utilised the form of the suburban gate- and its shadow, as a device to explore the potential for explorations into notions of threshold and transcendence, perception and becoming. The gate and its shadow are non-divisible and are mutually inclusive. Neither gate nor shadow exist without the other- their pairing akin to a Deleuzian fold, a non-binary relationship whereby the interior is no more than the fold of the exterior- and vis versa

This work explores this folded nature of our subjective selves, our relationship to the world from both physical and phenomenological perspectives. I have attempted to create objects, which when worn renegotiate the relationship between subject and object, activating space, the senses and the body. 

There is an attempt to make sense of the life world: to the other, to space, to time, perception and sensation. These gates are an attempt to mediate our relationships with the world; like artist Martin Boyce, I have sought to consider gates as portals- entrances to other places- physical, psychological and emotional.”


Photo: Amelia Rothwell


Photo: Amelia Rothwell