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It’s been a really interesting couple of weeks.  Part of me is missing the bench and making actual physical art, the other part is quite the nerd and loves the dabble; figuring out creative ways to express ideas through film making.

Obviously, I’m a novice and these early attempts may well make me cringe in years to come – but the incremental learning is so satisfying and thanks to the investment of several days, its easy to see the progress in terms of the time it takes to edit a piece as I gain a better understanding of  how iMovie works.  It’s wonderfully intuitive.  Now that I’ve figured out the basics (enough to do my homework:-) I will take more time to learn about story telling through film making.

Another curiosity that has been tweaked through this process is Ai film making.  I was recently blown away by Die Antwoords music video for Age of Illusion, which was produced through Ai.   The film feels like an immersive trip in a new dimension. It’s so incredibly creative and perfectly in tune with the dichotomy of outwardly sweet lyrics and the deeply dark undertones of their intent.

I’m wondering how Ai will evolve human creativity.  I can easily see a future whereby, instead of learning how to use Photoshop (for example) new rockstar artists will only need to excel in Ai manipulation.  I’m not sure how I feel about that.


So yeah, I’ve been doing a bit of research into Ai video making, alongside job hunting, house hunting, house packing – there is never enough time in the day.

But there is usually enough time for chocolate right?  

Which brings me to our latest homework assignment from Andrea Daley’s excellent Neo Animism lecture.  Task: Look at the liveliness/ thingness of materials – how do they relate to each other, observe how they change. 

An example: iron shavings on fabric sprayed with salt water…given time the materials will effect change on each other and read differently.

Focusing on memory and time as I am these days, I did a few different experiments with post-it notes and water/ ice, but this ‘Chocolate Time’ one had an interesting outcome that I wasn’t expecting.   It was a fun way to use up some left over melted chocolate after a bit of cookie baking…which is a once in a blue moon occurrence for me.  Also, this was the first movie where I added a backing track specific to the film edit timings.  Once I’d mapped out said timings it was surprisingly easy to throw some loops together using Logic Pro.  Cool to note that all these little skills I’ve been drip-feeding over the years are beginning to work together, making creative life easier.


If you’re still with me – thanks for time.  If you have a little more and are interested to see how the other films turned out, check out my Handshake8 YouTube Channel.