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(Judy Darragh studio image 2017)

a word from Judy Darragh

A handshake so far…..

Jen and I skype and talk about how the studio is going, she shows me pieces made and half made, we talk about lots of things.

The studio is a private space of making where we can dare to take risks and fail.

A refuge from the daily routines, space away from family demands, a place to dream.

The times when it is hard to make and progress seems non-existent. I can see the progress that Jen can’t and we get excited by new methods, materials, and discoveries.

We talk about ecology, politics, the environment and being mothers….

We send each other parcels in the mail, books, materials, and presents…my jewellery collection has expanded – Thanks, Jen.



Thanks Judy!

I am really enjoying our discussions, getting to know Judy and her practice. This easy exchange is a  gift in itself. The Artists generosity is outstanding, gifting beautiful books, materials and sharing studio pics a constant flow of theory, articles and thinking. I feel very lucky and recognize this mentorship will be of my most valuable and treasured learning experiences.

Cheers Jen

Judy Darragh, studio image work in progress 2017


Judy Darragh, studio image 2017