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Looking back through my diary to see what I’ve been doing…here goes…back in April.

I tripped up the stairs and hurt my shoulder. The aching was so bad and it was finally diagnosed as a frozen shoulder through ultrasound and have been getting treatment twice a week since April. It’s been rather hideous. The cover image in this blog is what happens to a shoulder! Unfortunately, the consequence of this is no making, no gardening, just lots of NO. 

John Edgar died. I went to his funeral. Ann Robinson spoke so passionately about John. He was loved by all who knew him. And a master of his craft.

Push/Pull with Renee. With a hideously aching shoulder, I took my humble showings and we had a really good session.

Renee used words like ‘cremation of a pearl’ in response to a plastic pearl I had scorched through experimentation and heat. Re my colour, she said, when you take the colour away, you are left with the form…something I had been thinking about questioning the colour and glaring at black/monotone. She asked what my key intent was. I still think it’s to work with plastic and colour to address the absurdity of our consumerist lives and complicit behaviour using found and personally used materials. Challenge composition she said, the space between, ideas into materials, materials into ideas. We chatted madly into the afternoon. I came away feeling like I was starting to get a faint grip on what I was doing and how inter-connected we all are. 

Attai Chen…we discussed

• Hebrew

• Manon van Kouswijk’s books

• Short term goals, work quickly to make 10 chains. 

• Potent work – go with it.

• Materials – silver being so forgiving, plastic (my medium) and paper (his medium) taking up a lot of energy

• Electroforming as a solution, something I have already attempted to find here in NZ, unsuccessfully.

I had experimented with the chain, trialling different heat shrink, looking at revealling the connection with clear, and looking at the opposite.