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Data Structure

Data Structure

Since Wednesday 17 June I have been documenting my time with daily diagrams, so far I’ve drawn nearly 16 weeks:  110 days.    Instigated in response to earlier conversations with Manon about weaving work that translates specific data, my pictographs include...


Much of my MFA work focussed on considering and exploring notions of space and place. Of  finding ways to articulate spaces of the everyday that operate as thresholds and/or places of transition; where land meets water, such as ports, as well as other points of...
Everything wants to be a necklace

Everything wants to be a necklace

Practicing NOT making jewellery NOT using metal To move beyond where I’m at It’s a challenge Everything wants to be a necklace   Collecting, Deconstructing, Reconstructing   A double sided homemade cardboard loom with a built in hole Site for experimental...
Untying knots in my thinking

Untying knots in my thinking

At the conclusion of the second Zoom meeting when we were in lockdown level one, I asked folk to respond to questions about stress/anxiety. Overwhelmingly the colours associated were red and black, a rogue vomit brown, navy and mustard appeared also. Tentacles and...
Net Connections

Net Connections

Jewellery for me is a medium to connect, it has brought Manon and I together via the internet, the tool which most of us are using to keep in touch with family and loved ones during coronavirus lockdown, plus to connect with the outside world.  What role might...
Time and time we run out of time

Time and time we run out of time

Why did I investigate into plastic when the original work by Dorothea Prühl is made from wood and called ‘Tiere’ (animals). What seems to be contradictory is based on me growing up in the controversy time of abundance of plastic toys and my parents’ love and concern...
Artists as Collectors

Artists as Collectors

Great to have Liesbeth den Besten in New Zealand again and to hear her talk about Artists as Collectors.  I was especially interested in the work of one of the artists she spoke about – Hanne Darboven, a German conceptual artist who accumulated a vast collection of...