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Finding Fire

Finding Fire

Finding Fire As it goes sometimes, I’ve been finding it challenging to connect to my creative pathway this year. It has been like trying to find the signposts at the start of the walking track, only to realize there are none, and what awaits me is a sickle and the...
Justene Williams

Justene Williams

Justene Williams, is an contemporary Australian artist who makes her large-scale immersive works, using multi-channel video installations, photography and performance. Through challenging social norms, using of found objects and waste materials, collage and...
Ana Mendieta

Ana Mendieta

Ana Mendieta was born in Cuba in 1948. Her father, Ignacio Mendieta, was a lawyer who had worked with the FBI during World War II.  In 1960 he became involved in an uprising against Fidel Castro and was concerned for the safety of his family.  At 12, Ana Mendieta and...
Pōhutukawa play

Pōhutukawa play

At the last catch up that I had with my mentor, Neke Moa, she gave me an exercise to help expand my material knowledge. For this exercise I focused on pōhutukawa timber. I had briefly introduced myself to the material with my previous hand carved timber form studies....
Judy Chicago

Judy Chicago

When Judy Chicago was a student at UCLA in the late 1950s, she took a class called “Intellectual History or Europe,” where her male professor declared that women had made zero contributions to European history.  Aware of how little Chicago to start what...
Hannah Wilke

Hannah Wilke

Hannah Wilke was among the first Artists to incorporate vaginal imagery into her work.  During the 1970s, she used her own body to create “performalist self-portraits.”   Her work “S.O.S. – Starification Object Series” from 1974 to 1982,...
Carolee Schneemann

Carolee Schneemann

Anthony McCall, thirteen photographs of Carolee Schneemann, Interior Scroll, 1975. Stockholm: Moderna Museet. © Carolee Schneemann. Photo: Estate of Carolee Schneemann/Galerie Lelong & Co./Hales Gallery/PPOW Gallery. Challenging the way that women’s Art was...
Yoko Ono

Yoko Ono

    Judy (Judith Darragh, my handshake mentor), has suggested I take a look at a series of performance Artists who deal with the body and a piece that I find meaningful. I am starting with the incredible Yoko Ono. Ono’s work often questioned the...
To wash or not to wash?

To wash or not to wash?

It might seem like a weird question to consider but something that I puzzle over is  whether or not to clean the materials (at the moment found rubbish objects and things) that I am currently working with. For some people this is probably not a question that they...
Starting Again – Almost

Starting Again – Almost

Suddenly it is almost June! I have had three sessions now with my mentor, Manon van Kouswijk. She has been insightful and generous. Suggesting exercises to help loosen up my practice and allow space for the unexpected. After our last meeting, she pointed out that my...
Balancing Act

Balancing Act

Since the beginning of the year I have placed metal aside, for the moment, to explore other materials I have come across in my explorations. On my walks I have been collecting timber, driftwood, stones and shells. I began by focusing on timbers. I have worked with...
A Small But Mighty Tool

A Small But Mighty Tool

Our current group of online workshops with Estela Saez, are geared towards figuring out new ways to show our work via film. As someone who grew up pre-internet and mobile phone, I’m still wowed by how much our phones and laptops can achieve. Recording audio on...